Learning Resources to Pass Microsoft Azure Certification’s Exam & Become A Top Professional

Learning Resources to Pass Microsoft Azure Certification’s Exam & Become A Top Professional

It’s good to deal to earn certification if your company is partnered with Microsoft. Microsoft Azure is a cloud solution by Microsoft to help organizations and corporates develop, station, and maintain their business in a most effective manner. There are several distinct reasons to earn Microsoft Azure Administrator Certifications and get enroll for the Microsoft Azure exams. If you are reading this article, you already have decided that you want to appear in a Microsoft Azure exam and earn a certification.

Cracking exams is all about having a smart schedule, strategy, and direction. Let’s see how.

Vectoring Your Direction:

Make sure to choose the certification path and exam, which is suitable for you. There exists a variety of exams and industry certifications. Microsoft’s latest role-based roadmap is highly sustainable for today’s market and job roles. It is crucial to pick a suitable certification and exam for you, depending on where you’re heading.

Start with Fundamental:

If you are not confident about where and with which exam to start, it is recommended that you should crack the AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals exam, first. It will assist you in acknowledging how Microsoft exams function with an overview of fundamental aspects.

Know What to Read:

The very First thing after and during the exam selection process is to check the exam composing topics and relevant content. Every Microsoft exam forum has the “skills measured” description. It’s a sort of to-do list, very accurate, and guides you through selecting and studying in the right direction. The page itself even lists available courses to successfully crack the exam.

Acknowledging the Exam Structure:

Acknowledging the exam structure and questions layout before appearing in the exam can help you a lot. You can find a list of exams and sample questions on YouTube. Foreseeing which type of questions will be asked in your exam will make it easier for you to prepare for them.

Hands-on learning courses on Microsoft Learn:

“Microsoft Learn” was launched at Ignite 2018 as a free learning forum for a lot of different Microsoft technologies, including Azure Administrator Certifications. Microsoft Learn is a rich platform where you can find a lengthy but to the point learning material, appropriate for your job task or the skills you required. Most of the learning solutions provide you with hands-on experience so that you enhance your practical skills. It’s all free and no credit card details are required.

Hands-on experience:

The most appropriate way to prepare and crack the Microsoft Azure exams is the real-time and hands-on experience with the technology. While Microsoft Learn helps you find some free theoretical learning objectives, there also exists an Azure free account. The Azure free account provides you with 1 year of free Azure services. Make sure to try the tutorials in “Microsoft Docs.”

Learn from the Microsoft Docs:

Like Microsoft Learn and Hands-on experience, there is another critical stuff to gear up for an Azure exam. Go through the “Microsoft Azure Documentation.” Microsoft Azure and the exam’s topics are very well documented. Check out Microsoft Docs pages, go through them and try out the tutorials.

Video Tutorials:

There exist different video training courses. They allow you to perform video-based preparation, like LinkedIn Learning, Pluralsight, Udemy, and A Cloud Guru. Go through different course layouts and read the reviews to find suitable content for you. There are different platforms partnered with Microsoft to deliver online courses.

Classroom-based Study:

As you realize, there is a lot of self-study material on the internet to prepare and crack the Azure exams. But, the classroom experience can be extra beneficial if you have the right teacher. You can find Microsoft Certified Trainers depending on your country on the Official Microsoft website. They offer different courses for a variety of technologies and online training programs.

Book Reading Culture:

If you are following an old-school method to prepare for the exam by reading books, Microsoft offers books written or co-authored by professionals at Microsoft Press. There are many books that will make you prepare for a launch for the Microsoft Azure exams. A drawback of having a hard copy of the book is it can’t be updated with the passage of time, to include or alter variation in the technology or exams.

Attempt a practice exam:

Few of the categories also have the advantage of official practice exams available. It is essential to realize which place in the learning process you are occupying and which topics need your little or more extra attention. It is highly recommended that you only perform the official practice exams instead of using past papers as they damage your learning skills. They also possess a lot of mistakes. You can attempt Microsoft’s official practice tests at mindhub.com.

Study Groups:

If you have a couple of friends on the same mission as you, it can help you to manage a group study session. Group study doesn’t just guide you to get more study material but also assists you in getting a totally new perspective on the study material when you observe the preparation hacks of other group mates.

Spare time to Relax:

A sound body has a sound mind. Take a break during preparations, do yoga or other exercises, and make sure on the day of the exam you are relaxed. Make sure to reach the test center early to have enough time to get calm.

Golden Learning Offers:

Microsoft also has a sound record of offering Microsoft Learning special offers, including student discounts and exam replays. Replays allow you to reattempt the exam if you aren’t able to crack it the first time. It can make your exam experience a little more comforting. Must check out the special offers with consistency.

Online Exam:

Sometimes it creates trouble to find a test center that is nearest to your location, or they don’t have vacant time slots. To make it simple, you can also give an online exam on Person Vue. It offers an online invigilation facility called OnVUE, which allows you to appear in the exam while staying in your home or office.