Top 10 Data Analytics Influencers to Follow

Top 10 Data Analytics Influencers to Follow


Today’s world has taken a wild turn and it has entered into the big revolutionary phase where everything is driven by data. In the previous years, there wasn’t much data that needed constant attention of the industries but as we moved forward, the amount of collected data also increased. It has been estimated that millions of data are currently being produced and collected from all over the world. Therefore, in order to assemble this amount of data, we needed bigger and better solutions, thus; came the existence of Data Analytics.

What is Data Analytics and How Does it Work?

In the past, the companies were found to be struggling with the products and how to target the appropriate audience for their products. They failed to keep up with the latest trends which inevitably lead the organizations into a deep pit or huge destruction. But over time, more frameworks were established to help tackle such problems and this is where Data Analytics came into being.

Data Analytics is the analysis of the data which helps in the processing, cleansing, deploying, and structuring of the data to extract valuable information. Data Analytics does its job in several phases to explore all the details embedded in the hind sights of the data with enhanced wariness. Data Analytics starts with Descriptive Analytics and finds out about all the trends in the data which happened in the previous years. Descriptive Analytics is just the start towards delivering the decision-making ideas and it helps in summarizing the significant parts from the data.

After summarizing the data, the phase of generating information and discovering the latest trends from the data gets started. This phase is referred to as Advanced Analytics which makes use of several quintessential tools to perform vital functions. It also collaborated with Machine Learning and makes use of the technologies of Machine Learning such as Natural Language Processing, Neutral Networks, and Sentiment Analysis. This collaboration provides enhanced efficiency to the systems which results in the production of smarter products, thereby; stabilizing the economic situation of the industries.

Types of Data Analytics

The field of Data Analytics is quite diverse and it encapsulates a total of four types that work in accordance to bring about the related functions. To format the data and envisage future trends, the following trends are utilized.

  • Descriptive Analytics
  • Predictive Analytics
  • Prescriptive Analytics
  • Diagnostic Analytics

Role of Data Analytics

Data Analytics work in accordance with the fields of Statistics and Information Security to pave the road to success. The prime and the only role of Data Analytics is to provide enhanced efficiency which results in the more effective performance of the systems. A Data Analyst offers a variety of services throughout the entire life cycle of Data Analytics which starts from the mining of the data.

Data mining involves the extraction of data from a number of unstructured sources of data such as Raw Sensor Data, Written Text, or Large Complex Databases. This step depends on the ETL of the data which refers to Extraction, Transformation, and Loading of the data. This helps in the production of formatted and manageable data which is then ready to be stored. The next step consists of managing the data which helps in the quick access to the information dug out from the raw data.

The most important step to perform Data Analytics is the implication of Statistical Analysis which consumes the knowledge of Statistics along with the incorporation of Machine Learning tools. This requires various programming languages such as Python or R along with open-source libraries to carry out Statistical Analysis.

The last step consists of summarizing the entire life cycle of the Data Analytics into documents along with its presentation. All the information is shared with the stockholders which also opens room for recommendations to improve anything in the coming Data Analytics pipelines. Data Analytics Experts with the authentic Data Analytics Certification can fulfill their role and bear prolific results.

Top Data Analytics Influencers

Data Analytics broadens the perspectives of every individual by getting familiar with the latest trends in the market. However, it can be quite weary to keep tabs on all the articles published online or written in the newspapers. So, just to avoid reading a number of pages, we miss out on the important stuff as well.

Nowadays, people spend most of their time on social media instead of reading newspapers and a bunch of other articles. Therefore, highlighting the important stuff on social media can have a bigger impact on people rather than posting lengthy articles online. This is because, according to a survey, an individual spends about 2 hours daily, surfing through a number of social media such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.

So, it was considered that some of that time can also be used to read about productive things such as Data Analytics. Therefore, Data Analytics Influencers introduce innovative trends and accurate Data Analytics Certifications to enhance the knowledge of the people. Some of those top Data Analytics Influencers are mentioned below.

  1. Ronald Van Loon (@Ronald_vanLoon)

Ronald Van Loon is one of the top influencers of Data Analytics and he works for companies that are driven by data. He talks about all the fields that are encapsulated by Data Analytics along with Machine Learning, Big Data, and Data Science. He started using social media in 2012 and now, he has acquired 203,000 followers by having discussions on infographics and other informative subjects that can help the businesses to flourish.

  1. Hilary Mason (@hmason)

There is a company called Accel Partners that works with the founders of certain organizations in order to help them flourish for a long period of time. She has founded Fast Forward Labs which works to research all the latest tools and techniques of Machine Learning. Hilary is one of the global speakers and she has caught the attention of 119,000 followers from all over the world. She also adds a bit of fun to whatever she’s saying that can help engage people such as she says that she loves everything about data and also cheeseburgers.

  1. Bernard Marr (@BernardMarr)

Bernard Marr is one of the most significant speakers and best-selling authors on an international scale. Several companies also appoint Bernard Marr to give that advice on Data Analytics, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, and the strategy towards the betterment and success of the organizations. Bernard Marr has acquired 124,000 followers who praise Marr for all of his achievements and honest work.

  1. Naval Ravikant (@naval)

Naval Ravikant has a very renowned position in the world of social media and he is considered one of the most vigilant thinkers. He has founded AngelList which is a website to provide investments and startup opportunities to beginners. Naval Ravikant has more than 718,000 followers and they only seem to grow. Naval Ravikant has also been appointed to provide his ideas on blockchains, investing, and startups.

  1. Carla Gentry (@data_nerd)

As her username indicates, Carla Gentry is famous for being a nerd in Data Analytics and she proudly shares her wisdom with us. She helps those corporations that have just set foot on the ground and thereby; having trouble with the system and installation of Data Analytics. She has about 54,000 followers and she covers every sector, from education to retail stores.

  1. Lillian Pierson (@Strategy_Gal)

Lillian has told the universe that Data Analytics can not only be handled by men and she has proved it to a number of organizations by demonstrating her effective strategies. She is one of the most top-notch teachers and she has taught more than one million students who are now tech professionals.

She has an association with LinkedIn Learning and Wiley Publishers to interact with people and share her ideas regarding Data Analytics, effective strategies, and techniques to help the businesses grow. About 136,000 people follow her strategies and get familiar with the latest trends and techniques in the market by utilizing Data Analytics.

  1. Kirk Borne (@KirkDBorne)

According to IPFC Online, Kirk Borne was named as the number one influencer because of his immense attributions in the field of Data Analytics. He also studied the data of 9/11, a terrorist attack that shook us to the core, to prevent any other attacks from happening in the future. In NASA, he contributed his knowledge and wisdom as an Astrophysicist and he also worked as a Data Scientist at the most renowned Booz Allen Hamilton. More than 247,000 follow Kirk Borne to gather information regarding Data Analytics and Data Science.

  1. Tamara McCleary (@TamaraMcClearly)

Tamara McCleary is one of the prestigious figures in the stream of Data Analytics Influencers and she has over 303,000 followers. She is the founder of Thulium Co., and she is currently running this organization as a CEO. She has a mastermind who has all the robust strategies and knowledge about Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics.

  1. Cindi Howson (@BIScorecard)

Cindi Howson is new to the circle of Data Analytics Influencers but she has already swayed 25,000 followers in a small amount of time. She shares all the important stuff about Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence along with the latest trends by providing visualizing designs. She is also running as Chief Data Strategy Officer at an organization called ThoughtSpot.

  • Andrew Ng (@AndrewYNg)

Now, comes the most influential being of all the Data Analytics Influencers, known as the Andrew Ng. A lot of people listen to Andrew and it was seen that he had also taken a class of over one million students online. He is working at Stanford University as Computer Science Adjunct Professor. His efforts bore fruitful outcomes and now there is a whole course present at Coursera. He’s currently influencing 445,000 people on social media and discover the insights of the data by implementing several algorithms and tools.

Why is Data Analytics Important?

Data Analytics helps organizations to enhance their performance of the organizations to help survive in the competitive world. Data Analytics has proved its importance in a number of sectors which enabled such sectors to thrive prolifically.

The financial sector adopted Data Analytics in its earliest form and since then, Data Analytics has proved its significance from keeping Credit scores to analyzing the data points over the years. Moreover, Data Analytics also helps to tackle the problems of fraud and other difficulties to improve performance. Data Analytics also benefited the sector of Healthcare where it is used to diagnose potent diseases in no time, thus; contributing to saving a number of lives.

Pharmaceutical companies make use of Data Analytics to undermine the latest trends and their sales. Pharmaceutical companies are also undertaking Machine Learning to discover newer and innovative drugs. Apart from these sectors, Data Analytics is also being used in the prevention of crime in the countries, and to protect the environment against hazardous climatic change.

Machine Learning is incorporated with the Internet of Things (IoT) and it is now being used together as a tool to perform Data Analytics. Numerous sensors are located on IoT which can collect valuable data for computation and devices such as Nest Thermostat can detect the temperature of the surroundings to sense cooling or heating in the environment. Such smart devices can be used in the automation of the room depending upon your lifestyle.


Data Analytics can help in science, everyday life, and in businesses and there is no stopping to it. Data Science is a vast field and therefore; a number of people are getting interested in acquiring a Data Analytics job. Although it may seem difficult and complex at first with the accurate training and certifications, you can be a Data Analyst or a Data Analytics Influencer.